real-time water quality information for fast decision-making

Dissolved Metal Analysis with 3AWater Multimetal Water Analysis System (MWAS) and Hitachi X-MET XRF Spectrometer

A person with equipment backpack and water sampler in hand stands in front of a water reservoir.

Smart industrial water management enabled by fast analysis

3AWater brings the real-time dissolved metal analysis and decision-making power to the hands of the operators working with industrial and environmental waters. This allows quick actions such as:

  1. Optimize processes and water treatment for better production yields and savings in chemical and energy costs.
  2. Manage environmental risks and lower environmental impact by ensuring regulatory compliance with analysis of discharge waters and pin-pointing sources of problems such as leakages or seepages.
  3. React fast to abnormal situations in the water management such as electric power outages and dam failures.
  4. Select only relevant samples for laboratory analysis by screening the water quality in the area i.e. smart sampling.

Secure and manage your operations, business and environment with real-time data.

3AWater Multimetal Water Analysis System (MWAS)


  1. Measures dissolved Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, U simultaneously.
  2. Low concentrations down to 5 ppb (µg/l).
  3. Fast, under 10 minutes.
  4. Easy, with just 30 min training.
  5. Low maintenance, no calibrations or other time-consuming procedures.
  6. On-site, anywhere.
  7. Competitive pricing.

Arsenic measurements coming soon.

Compatible with Hitachi X-MET8000 series Spectrometer

3AWater MWAS is compatible with Hitachi X-MET8000 series X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometers. Handheld XRF analyzers are portable instruments that have been used for more than 50 years to analyse metal compositions of solid samples, such as ores, drill cores, soil samples, or metal products. 3AWater technology broadens its applicability for monitoring waters.

The heart of the technology is a nanotechnology-based metal ion collector that is enclosed in our consumable filtration set. Metal ions are concentrated 200-1000 fold to the metal collector, when a water sample is pumped through the collector. This makes it possible to use Hitachi X-MET8000 XRF to detect and quantify trace metals in water samples.

About 3AWater

3AWater strive to be a global provider of smart and simple monitoring tools for water management to help water intensive industries to decrease their environmental impact. We want to help in building confidence and trust between metal industry and communities by making it easier to secure clean water across the globe.

The company was established by nanotechnology and spectroscopy professionals in January 2019 in Kuopio Finland. The concept of 3AWater Multimetal Water Analysis System was developed in the Department of Applied Physics in University of Eastern Finland few years earlier. 3AWater spent several years for research and development to turn the prototype into the product that was released to sales in the beginning of 2022. We have analysed several thousands of artificial and real water samples and created a comprehensive data set to ensure the reliability and accuracy of our analysis. We are proud to say that the usability has been optimized to the very detail and we believe this is one of the most user-friendly chemical analysis systems ever build.

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